You too can help us save the lives of pets in our local community.
We have plenty of volunteer opportunities, from assisting at our Pet Food Bank to hosting booths. Volunteers are immensely important and help us grow! Check out the list below to see what best suits you and your availability.
New volunteers are asked to complete our Volunteer Application. Click here to complete the application.
Fosters are also needed! Please check out our foster page for further information.
Volunteer Opportunities
Pet Food Bank: Often when a pet parent cannot afford to feed their pet, they will surrender them to a shelter. At some shelters, euthanasia is the sad solution to overcrowding. Our of our goals at No Kill Louisville is keeping pets out of shelters! Our Pet Food Bank provides supplemental pet food/items to qualifying clients on the first Saturday of every month (expect for holidays and extreme weather). Heavy Lifting is typically required. If you're interested in volunteering at a pet food bank, you can click here for more info.
Administrative Work: We need volunteers to help with administrative work. That includes tasks such as; keep our website current, respond to internet inquiries, answer e-mails, create materials to hand out at events, put up flyers around town, write thank you notes to donors, and perform other related office duties. If you are interested in helping us around the office, please email us at nklouisville@gmail.com.
Grant Writing and Fundraising: Our organization cannot survive without donations from the public and businesses. If you have experience in the area of grant writing/fundraising and you'd like to save the lives of pets, please reach out to us at nklouisville@gmail.com.
Event Booths: No Kill Louisville hosts event booths at local festivals so we can spread the good word about our hard work. We are looking for volunteers who enjoy working with the public while manning booths at local events. As you will be representing NKL and talking to people about the organization's mission, you need to be knowledgeable about how we can make our community No Kill and be prepared to share that with the general public. Do you think you can handle it? Reach out to nklouisville@gmail.com today!
Board Vacancies: We are actively seeking out board members to join us in our pet saving mission. The best way to join our board is to start out as a volunteer!
Special Annual Events:
Kentuckiana Pride Parade – Let your pride flag fly! We ask for volunteers to help us set up/break down the booth and speak with festival goers.
Egg My Yard Fundraiser – Volunteers are asked to stuff eggs before Easter. We stuff THOUSANDS of eggs and well over one hundred orders, so your support is needed! Then on Easter eve, volunteers will 'egg' the yards of those who purchase an egg order.
Angel Tree Program – Starting in November, volunteers are asked to help with setting up holiday trees, picking up items, sorting items, and administrative help. Then in January, we’ll need assistance deliver the collected items to their rightful rescue/shelter.